Kintecoying Lodge issued a series of arrowhead-shaped event issues in 2020 which shared a similar design.
The third version issued for Induction events which wound up being virtual in 2020 and is shown below. The Yellow 100 in the tail feathers is to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the OA in NYC with the establishment of Ranachqua Lodge in 1920.

The stats for this on will be:
eA2020-3 WHT C WHT BLK RED 2020 FDL; YEL Outlined BLK Inductions 1920 2020, RED WWW YEL 100
I have a couple of these available for trade for other New York OA event issues as of this posting.
“The government of the United States is a definite government, confined to specified objects. It is not like the state governments, whose powers are more general.” —James Madison (1794)