Here is a new issue from Ashokwahta Lodge #339 issued for the 2012 NOAC. This is their delegate flapt, reportedly 100 were made. Two were given to each of their 13 delegates, the remainder were than available to the contingent.

The flap will be used with the X3 chevron previously reported.
The stats for this one should be:
S20 SMY R GRN WHT YEL FDL; WHT 2012 MSU NOAC WWW, 339 – Contingent w/X3
[phpbay]Ashokwahta Lodge, 5[/phpbay]
“At its core, then, political correctness is nothing more nor less than the unjust intimidation of others into thinking and speaking a certain way. As such, it is pure totalitarian mind control.” – David Kupelian