I had previously written about the 2001 Section NE-3B Conclave which was held at Sabbattis Scout Reservation and hosted by Kayanernh-Kowa Lodge #219.
I recently came across what I believe is a staff issue from the event. The design is the same as the white bordered patch, but this one has a silver Mylar border.

Can anyone confirm what this patch was used for?
According to the OA Section List, the Lodges in the section at this time were:
- Haudenosaunee Lodge #19
- Half Moon Lodge #28
- Ona Yote Lodge #34
- Otahnagon Lodge #172
- Kayanernh-Kowa Lodge #219
- Tahgajute Lodge #247
- Kamargo Lodge #294
- Loon Lodge #364
- Onteroraus Lodge #402
“The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife.” –Thomas Jefferson