Another image from Mia Hubbert, this one from the Section NE-3B 2002 Conclave. This one seems to be neither fish nor fowl. Is from an era later than when most hat pins were issued, but the design elements and shape are not usual for a participant pin.

Anyone know the story behind the pin?
Here is a copy of the pocket patch from the original post, note the arrowhead would not match the pin
According to the OA Section List, the Lodges in section NE-3B at this time were:
- Haudenosaunee Lodge #19
- Half Moon Lodge #28
- Ona Yote Lodge #34
- Otahnagon Lodge #172
- Kayanernh-Kowa Lodge #219
- Tahgajute Lodge #247
- Kamargo Lodge #294
- Loon Lodge #364
- Onteroraus Lodge #402
“The great principles of right and wrong are legible to every reader; to pursue them requires not the aid of many counselors. The whole art of government consists in the art of being honest.” —Thomas Jefferson (1775)