Two years ago, I was posting about an Identification Aide for the Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Showandasse Chapter A1 & A2.

The stats are:
A1 RED C ORG RED twill; thin lettering; GRN thunderbird; 78×110 mm; GRN “WWW”
The most obvious difference is not noted. The length of “Chapter” is approximately 30mm.

For this one the stats are:
A2 RED C ORG RED twill; thick lettering; GRN thunderbird; 72×116 mm; GRN “WWW”
The most obvious difference again is not noted. The length of “Chapter” is approximately 45mm
I’m always looking for Shu Shu Gah Chapter patches and neckerchiefs. What do you have for trade or sale?
“We may look up to Armies for Defence, but Virtue is our best Security. It is not possible that any state should long remain free, where Virtue is not supremely honord.” —Samuel Adams (1775)