1995 Order of the Arrow Handbook

I recently updated my Order of the Arrow Handbook Checklist. I was spurred to update if due to an acquisition of a couple of my needs. Once of which is pictured below. This is the 1995 Printing of the 1994 Revison.

Prior to 1989 has a code to determine which printing the book is from and the quantity of books printed. This code is normally listed beneath the copy right information. For example the code, 10M353 which indicates 10,000 copies were printed in March 1953.

After 1989, there was no indication of the month or printing size. There was usually an indication of the year it was revised or printed. More recently, the easiest identifier is the name/signature of the National Chief printed in the Handbook.

1995 Order of the Arrow Handbook
1995 Order of the Arrow Handbook

[phpbay]Order of the Arrow Handbook, 5[/phpbay]

“All of us need to be reminded that the Federal government did not create the States, the States created the Federal Government.” – Ronald Wilson Reagan, January 20, 1981

Author: nyoatrader
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