JW sends word of the first of two 2-piece sets from Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165 for the 2012 NOAC. There will be a delegate set and a trader set.
This is the Trader set.

The stats for this should be:
S33 TAN R M/C M/C RED FDL; Name TAN outlined BLK, BLK WWW, YEL 165 w/X13 – Trader
X13 TAN R M/C – BRN FDL; WHT AHC, 165 BLK WWW, M/C NOAC 2012 w/S33 – Trader
I’m not at NOAC this time around, so keep feeding information of NOAC issues that I have not previously posted.
This one is a current need for me if anyone has one for trade.
[auction-affiliate tool=”lister”]
[T]hose who use force most freely are as a one-eyed race, with very limited perceptions, able to perceive dimly the immediate consequences, but not the more remote consequences of what they do. …Auberon Herbert The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State;