Brian Petrowski sends along some information on another new chapter issue from Buckskin Lodge #412’s Matinecock Chapter, this one is a 2.25″ round.

The stats for this issue should be:
Matinecock R1 RED R WHT BLU M/C FDL GRN Buckskin Lodge 412 YEL WWW 2.25″ Round
There is also a larger version of this patch which will be posted separately.
[phpbay]Buckskin Lodge #412, 10[/phpbay]
“The Founding Fathers established a system which meant a radical break from that which preceded it. A written constitution would provide a permanent form of government, limited in scope, but effective in providing both liberty and order. Government was not to be a matter of self-appointed rulers, governing by whim or harsh ideology. It was not to be government by the strongest or for the few. Our principles were revolutionary.” –Ronald Reagan