Ho-Nan-Ne-Ho-Ont Lodge #165 issued three 2-piece sets which shared a common design but had different border colors. Their Heron Man totem was also sporting a familiar hairdo. The second set has a white border was for thos lodge members who worked on NOAC Staff.

The stats for this one are:
S50 WHT R M/C YEL M/C FDL; YEL WWW w/X21 2018 NOAC Staff
X21 WHT R M/C – BLK YEL NOAC 2018, Heron Man, Decide Your Destiny BLK 165 w/S50 -Staff
According to PatchScan there were 100 sets made.
“This falsehood of the tongue leads to that of the heart, and in time depraves all its good disposition.” —Thomas Jefferson (1785)