In 2013 Ashokwahta Lodge #339 had two event issues, the second one was for an event entitled Taste of Scouting and is designated the eR2013-2. Was able to fill this need at the Empire State TOR earlier last month.

The stats for this one should be:
eR2013-2 RED R WHT RED YEL 2013 FDL; RED Tast of Scouting 2013 BLK CSW TLS
“The patronage of the government for the last three years has been wielded to corrupt everything that comes within its influence and was capable of being corrupted, and it would seem that virtue and truth has fled from its embrace. The administration of the government has stained our national character, and it rests with the people to work it out, by full expression of their disapprobation. The present is a contest between the virtue of the people, and the influence of patronage….I hope the virtue of the people may prevail, and all may be well.†– Andrew Jackson.