1993 NE-2A Section Conclave

The 1993 Section NE-2A conclave was hosted by a lodge headquartered in Vermont, Ajapeu #351 and held at Camp Sunrise. This was during the period when Section NE-2A included lodges from both New York and New England.

As usual there was a pocket patch:

1993 NE-2A Section Pocket Patch

Another unusual thing, the host lodge number is incorrect on the patch.

This is a need of mine if anyone has one available.

and the host lodge issued a pocket flap for their members staffing the event.

1993 Section NE-2A Host Lodge Flap Ajapeu Lodge #351 F1

Thanks to Roy Weatherbee for the scans. Were there any other issues for this event?

According to the OA Section List, the lodges in NE-2A at the time were:

  • Ganienkeh Lodge#19
  • Wakpominee Lodge #48
  • Loon Lodge #364
  • Ajapeu Lodge #351 (from NE-1A)
  • Memsochet Lodge #507 (from NE-1A)


Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

1 thought on “1993 NE-2A Section Conclave

  1. Please update the above lodge list, which comes from the OA Section List. There were no changes to the membership of NE-2A that year. As shown on the n/c issued the previous year, Ganienkeh 19, Wakpominee 48, Loon 364, Ajapeu 351, Memsochet 507 were constituent lodges.

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