Happy New Year 2015

Happy New Year! There is no better way to start the new year than to thank my regular readers, subscribers and of course the contributors to this blog. When I started this blog over 10 years ago on January 26, 2004, I never thought it would still be going strong with over 4100 posts in the intervening years.

To those who send me information, trades and comments prefer to remain anonymous, and I respect your wishes.

You know who you are and you have my anonymous thanks.

Many have been mentioned in individual posts, and I would like to thank all of of those who leave regular comments, supply scans, questions, ideas and information for new posts and series.

May the New Year bring you good health, good fortune and that elusive need (or want) for your collection.


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“The instability of our laws is really an immense evil. I think it would be well to provide in our constitutions that there shall always be a twelve-month between the ingross-ing a bill & passing it: that it should then be offered to its passage without changing a word: and that if circumstances should be thought to require a speedier passage, it should take two thirds of both houses instead of a bare majority.” –Thomas Jefferson, Letter to James Madison, 1787

Author: Bill

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