Hardest New York OA – Shu Shu Gah Lodge #24 Part 1

None of the regular issues from Shu Shu Gah are extremely difficult to obtain.  Tracking down a complete collection of flaps is certainly achievable.

Amongst the more modern issues, the toughest is the delegate issue from the 1992 NOAC, the S20.  Since 1990, Shu Shu Gah Lodge has issued a delegate patch to those who attended NOAC as  part of the lodge contingent or on staff.   Typically 3 delegate flaps or sets where given to each person.

In 1992,  the patches were ordered prior to the total number of delegates being finalized.  A slighter larger than anticpated contingent meant there were only 2 patches available per delegate.  My undertanding is that only 50 were ordered.  The number was reduced when the lodge advisors car was broken into and his luggage stolen on the night before he was leaving for NOAC.  This resulted in 8-10 patches being lost (as he had the delegate patches for himself and several staff members he was meeting at NOAC).

Those shorted on the flap had to trade for them from within the contingent, leaving only around 40 in existance for a 25 person contingent.


The S20 Delegate flap differs from the regular NOAC Flap (S19) only in the black arrow.  The regular S19 has a red arrow.  Care should be taken in trading for this patch, as some examples have surface where the red arrow has been colored black with a marker or dye.


It was beautiful and simple, as truly great swindles are.
O. Henry
US short story author (1862 – 1910)
Author: nyoatrader
To share information about new or newly discovered Order of the Arrows patches, flaps, odd-shapes, neckerchiefs, event and chapter issues from New York State Order of the Arrow Lodges, warnings about fakes, spoof, and reproductions and any other information that may be of interest to New York State OA Collectors.

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